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Press Release

Board Officer Institute Builds Trustee Governance Knowledge

Austin— New board officers, and trustees who are interested in taking on an officer role, are encouraged to participate in Board Officer Institute, which will kick-off with an immersive introduction during TASB’s Summer Leadership Institute.

Trustees can choose to attend Board Officer Institute at either SLI location, whether in San Antonio on June 14-17 or in Fort Worth on June 21-24. Participants will begin their learning journey as part of a cohort that brings board officers ─ and those preparing for a leadership role ─ together to build their confidence as they expand their knowledge of board procedures and responsibilities.

Summer Learning Institute is an optimal time for new board officers to get adjusted to their new roles, said Robert Long III, division director, Board Development Services.

“We strive to offer our members the foundational programs and training that will guide them as they take on new leadership roles,” Long said. “Board Officer Institute provides the tools to govern effectively and collaboratively.”

After the introductory sessions at SLI, the Board Officer Institute: A Journey to Excellence course will begin on July 12. Board officers meet virtually one hour a week for six weeks to discuss what it takes to be successful in their roles. Each member also receives three hours of individualized remote coaching.

Esperanza Orosco, TASB board officer consultant and a current Hays CISD board member, facilitates the Board Officer Institute. She has served in every role on a school board and understands the knowledge base that an officer needs to be confident and successful. Orosco took part in one of the institute’s first cohorts and said the program was instrumental in her learning to effectively facilitate board meetings.

During the six-week course participants will learn about:

  • Board Officer Roles and Responsibilities
  • Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Running an Effective Meeting
  • Team Inventory
  • Goal Setting
  • Superintendent Evaluation

Board officers will also receive three one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions, which can be used to address any of the topics covered or for additional coaching support. And they can earn up to 13.75 hours of continuing education credit for completion of the program.

Cassandra Brannan Hatfield, board secretary at Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD said that the one-on-one coaching was a valuable tool.

“In these sessions, I was able to ask more focused questions and get additional resources related to the dynamics of my board and my personal growth needs,” she said.

Learn more about Board Officer Institute, contact Esperanza Orosco at or 512-787-2540 For other questions contact Board Development Services on 800-580-8272, ext. 2453 or email

About TASB

TASB is a nonprofit organization established in 1949 to serve local Texas school boards. School board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in the state. The districts they represent serve more than 5.4 million public school students.