As a thought leader in public education, get TASB’s take on critical topics affecting school boards, students, and staff.
Despite the escalating political rhetoric about taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, the truth remains: Texas public schools are the leaders in providing families with the most choice.
School Funding Myths
Some are pushing a false narrative about school funding with the goal of undermining public education. We're here to set the record straight.
Nonpartisan School Boards
Texans have always valued public education for their children. Just as important has been the belief that locally elected school boards are the best way to ensure that our public schools are accountable to their families and communities.
School Choice
Despite the escalating political rhetoric about taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, the truth remains: Texas public schools are the leaders in providing families with the most academic, athletic, career and technical, and extracurricular choices.
Parental Rights
Taxpayer-funded school vouchers are a bad deal for Texas parents and students. Parents would lose out on some key rights and protections if they chose to participate in a state-funded voucher program and send their child to a private or parochial school.