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Student Video Contest

Your district could win $5,000 for creating a promotional video with students as the stars.

Every other year, TASB invites school districts to create a short promotional video for their schools with students as the stars.

The videos showcase the strength and success of Texas public schools, highlighting what makes public schools the best choice: 

  • Share what makes your public school special.  
  • Show people why Texas schools are strong and successful. 

You can feature people, stills, animation — whatever you think best conveys your message. Get creative in your approach! 

Submit Entry

Get Started

Start planning your video now!

  • Read the rules.
  • Review the judging criteria.
  • Create a video with your audience in mind.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative!

Deadline Extended! Entries Accepted Feb. 3 through March 14.

All entries will be posted online and displayed statewide by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB). 

Prizes will be awarded in three categories, determined by district average daily attendance (ADA): 

  • Small: No greater than 1,600 ADA 
  • Medium: 1,601-5,000 ADA 
  • Large: 5,001 or more ADA 

The winner in each category will be awarded a prize of $5,000. Winners are contacted in the spring of the contest year. 

2024-2025 Student Video Contest Rules 

This video contest is open to all Texas public school districts, with a limit of one video entry per district. The video can be created by district staff but must feature students. Prizes will be awarded to the school district. There is no entry fee. 

Entry Rule Highlights 

  • Submitting school district must be a TASB Active Member. 
  • Video must be an original work.  
  • Video entries should be no more than 60 seconds. 
  • Written permission must be obtained for all copyrighted or trademarked materials. 
  • Contest participation must be approved by the superintendent.  
  • District must have the required filming permissions for all persons featured in the video. 

Video content: 

  • Should be no more than 60 seconds in length. 
  • Should be 1080p or higher. 
  • Must be an original work. 

Video content must NOT: 

  • Violate copyright laws. (See Copyright Information section.) 
  • Promote illegal behavior. 
  • Discriminate against or support invidious prejudice toward others along ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual grounds. 
  • Invade the privacy of any person. 
  • Support or oppose a candidate for elected office or advocate for the passage or defeat of legislation or a ballot measure. 
  • Be inappropriate as determined by TASB. 

The video can be planned, filmed, and edited by school district faculty and staff. Students must be featured in the video. 

Professionals in media, public relations, and education will participate in the judging process to help determine the winners.  

No copyrighted material (music, images, etc.) or trademarks (company names, logos, brands, etc.) may be used unless the district owns or has a license to use the material for this contest. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted or trademarked materials. 

Are we allowed to use a song and substitute words for the video? 

Short answer, no. 

Long answer, a work isn’t parody unless it critiques or comments on the original song or songwriter. If you’re using the tune and changing the words for a different message, it’s likely not parody and there are copyright implications — and copyright infringement versus parody/fair use is very fact-specific and you don’t really know if you’ve crossed the line unless you successfully defend a copyright infringement suit. 

Regardless, students should always ask the song’s author for permission to use the song. 

Submission Process 

To submit a video, the district must: 

  • Complete the online application. 
  • Ensure the district has the proper filming permissions for all persons featured in the video. 
  • Submit the video file through the online contest entry process using the following naming format:
    • SVC_DistrictNameISD
Submit Entry

Release Form Details 

The district must have the required written release/permission form to film anyone featured in the district’s video. This authorization assures that those involved know that the video may be shown publicly, among other uses, without further consent required. Complete the required release/permission form for all persons featured in the video. Written parental consent is required for any person under 18 years old. 

Download Release Form


By entrant(s) submitting the video, it is agreed that TASB, a Texas nonprofit organization, has the right to use, reproduce, reprint, distribute, and display the video for any organizational purpose, without notification, consent, or compensation to the entrant(s). A TASB organizational purpose includes, but is not limited to, displaying the video on TASB’s website, at conferences, or at other venues, regardless of whether fees are charged. 

More Information 

If you have questions, contact TASB at

* Deadline of contest has been extended through Friday, March 14.

2023 Student Video Contest Submissions 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 contest! 

Winning Videos 

Large School District: Socorro ISD 

Medium School District: Bullard ISD 

Small School District: Forsan ISD 

Watch All Videos 

View all 2023 Student Video Contest entries on Vimeo