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Your ConnectED Texas City and County Benefits

Learn the potential benefits for Texas cities and counties participating in the ConnectED Texas program.

Potential Benefits for Your Community 

ConnectED Texas is looking to help communities throughout the state stay connected. With additional cellular infrastructure nearby, your city and county have the potential to:   

Add Money to Your Budget 

  • Generate revenue through leasing land year over year 

Keep Ahead of Fast-Growing Communities 

  • Support the connectivity demands of new residents and businesses 
  • Strengthen ties with your community by keeping them connected  

Enhance Business Connectivity 

  • Enhance access to online business technologies 
  • Keep businesses competitive, connected, and thriving  

Advance Safety Communication 

  • Boost emergency communication across neighborhoods  
  • Improve location and information sharing from your community and first responders 

TASB Is Your Partner in Educational Excellence 

TASB is a voluntary, nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide educational association established in 1949 to serve local Texas school boards. Not only do we support Texas school boards but the connection between local communities and their schools. Through the ConnectED Texas program, we hope to see enhanced cellular connectivity come to Texas communities. 

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