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End-of-Year Procedures

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The end of the school year is quickly approaching, and students will soon be darting out the school doors to begin their summer break with teachers and staff not far behind.

Creating and implementing end-of-year employee procedures can help staff understand the expectations for closing out the school year and deter administrators from having to call employees back for unfinished tasks.

Employee Checkout

Using a checklist is the most common and thorough way to ensure tasks are completed and everything is accounted for. The following list can be as a starting point for developing a local checklist:

  • Enter student grades and submit folders to the campus office.
  • Return equipment, electronic devices, and books.
  • Turn in keys, security cards or badges.

It’s a good idea to brainstorm all the necessary items needed on the checklist with key staff members to ensure it’s a comprehensive list. Requiring employees to get the appropriate person to sign off on the checklist will increase accountability for completing tasks.

Requiring each employee submit the completed checklist to an administrator is a great way to confirm the end-of-year procedures are properly completed. This also provides an opportunity for a personal conversation between the administrator and each employee before the summer departure.

Non-Returning Staff

Resigning or terminated staff will have extra tasks to complete at the campus or department and with human resources (HR). This can be accomplished by creating a checklist addendum with the additional tasks. A sample employee separation checklist is located in the HR Library (member login required) for HR to use with non-returning employees.

Exit Interviews

HR should invite all employees separating from the district to complete an exit interview. Depending on your district’s practices, the exit interview can be conducted in person, on paper, or through an online survey. Exit interview results should be analyzed to better understand why employees leave the district. Search the HR Library for more information on the employee exit process and a sample exit survey form.


Providing end-of-year procedures helps employees complete all required tasks and properly return school district equipment and materials. Sharing these procedures a few weeks before the school year ends gives employees time to get organized and avoid a stressful wrap up.

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Cheryl Hoover
Cheryl Hoover

Cheryl Hoover joined HR Services in 2018. She assists with staffing and HR reviews, training, and other HR projects. During Hoover’s public school career, she served as an executive director of curriculum and principal leadership, executive director of human resources, principal, assistant principal, teacher, and coach.

Hoover earned her bachelor’s degree from The University of Texas at Austin and obtained her master’s degree from Texas State University. She is a certified PHR.

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