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Press Release

Sublasky Joins State Association Board

Austin— David Sublasky has been appointed to represent the education service center (ESC) boards as a voting ex officio director on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors.

Sublasky is president of the Texas Association of Education Service Centers (TAESC). Prior to becoming president in June 2023, he served as secretary and vice-president of TAESC. He has served for 23 years on the Region 19 Education Service Center Board, including eight as chair.

His service to Texas public education began as a school board member for Fabens ISD. He served 22 years on the board, with 11 years as president. During his local tenure, he was elected to the TASB Board, serving from 1992 to 1998. He is a TASB past president. 

Sublasky also is a Leadership TASB graduate and Master Trustee. He was part of the charter class in 1993.

About TASB

TASB is a nonprofit organization established in 1949 to serve local Texas school boards. School board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in the state. The districts they represent serve more than 5.4 million public school students.