txEDCON24 Opportunity to Connect and Learn
Texas school districts small and large attended txEDCON24, considered to be the largest assembly of state public education decision-makers, for the unique opportunity to connect, network, and learn new ways to improve student success.
Sponsored by TASB and the Texas Association of School Administrators, the Sept. 27-29 convention attracted thousands of school board members, superintendents, and other education leaders from across Texas who filled the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio.
In addition to convention activities such as naming the Superintendent of the Year and the Outstanding School Board, TASB held its Delegate Assembly, the annual membership meeting where delegates vote on the Advocacy Agenda and take care of Association business. There was also an exhibit hall where attendees could browse more than 250 booths displaying products and services available to school districts.
Many of the breakout sessions were standing-room only — and several even had a line of people out of the door. Attendees also gathered in small groups between sessions to discuss what they learned and what sessions they planned to attend next.
Rolando Ramirez, superintendent of Southside ISD in San Antonio, was one of many attendees left standing during Denton ISD’s presentation, "Maximizing Your Board’s Potential: Strategies for Excellence." The room was packed with trustees and superintendents, who like Ramirez, were there to gain insights and ideas from the district.
“We are so consumed with what happens at our school district that sometimes we don’t get an opportunity to see what’s happening at other school districts,” Ramirez said. “It’s always good to hear from another superintendent, another board member, from other school districts and districts that are similar to our school district and demographics and districts that are different.”