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Updates for Demonstrating English Language Proficiency

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Effective January 7, 2025, individuals required to demonstrate English language proficiency (ELP) can use one of four options to show proficiency.

The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) adopted the proposed changes in September 2024 as outlined in Title 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 230, Professional Educator Preparation and Certification, Subchapter B, General Certification Requirements. The State Board of Education (SBOE) completed final review in November 2024.

The four available options (A-D) are outlined below with an italicized explanation of the changes or additions in parentheses:

  • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or one of its territories (added “or one of its territories” to include all U.S. territories)
  • Verification of a minimum scaled score that falls within the high-intermediate level in each section on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL-iBT) (replaced the minimum scaled score requirement of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing with a required performance of high-intermediate level for each of the four sections)
  • An undergraduate or graduate degree that was earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States listed in the figure provided in this subparagraph (Figure: 19 TAC § 230.11(b)(5)(C)) (added Cameroon, Kenya, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to the list of countries approved for exemption from the ELP requirement)
  • A standard certificate issued by the department of education in another state where examinations for the certificate were taken and passed (added this new option — candidates for certification must still complete all requirements through an approved educator preparation program or must successfully complete all requirements of the out-of-country credentials review process)

For additional information, call Texas Education Agency (TEA) educator preparation and certification staff Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 512-936-8400, option 2.

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Karen Dooley
Karen Dooley
HR Services Assistant Director

Karen Dooley joined HR Services in 2016. She provides oversight to a team of consultants providing staffing services, HR reviews, and other projects. She provides training and assists school districts with their HR-related needs. Dooley is a seasoned administrator with more than 17 years of HR experience in Central Texas districts as a coordinator, director, and assistant superintendent. She also worked as an assistant principal, counselor, and teacher, and holds a superintendent certificate.

Dooley received her master’s degree from Prairie View A&M University and her bachelor’s degree from Texas State University.

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