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Setting Goals for School Districts

Comprehensive district goals and your board’s vision statement go hand-in-hand. TASB helps you understand the process, access sample goals, and much more.

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For many years, districts have been required to establish district and campus improvement plans that include annual student performance objectives. The state requirement that a board adopt “comprehensive” goals suggests that a district’s goals should consider more than just student performance indicators. District goals should include priorities for other areas that support student learning, too.

What Are Comprehensive Goals?

Comprehensive district goals give staff clear direction in achieving the district vision.

District goals are much more specific than a district’s vision. Goals can be short- or long-term and are focused on results—specifically, the results of efforts made to achieve the vision. District goals address the issues the school board would like the district’s staff to spend special time, effort, and resources on in the coming year and in the long term.

When setting goals, boards must remember to:

  • Look comprehensively at the needs of the district and choose priorities carefully
  • Include specific criteria that clarifies what is expected of staff charged in achieving them

Who Should Be Involved in Developing District Goals?

Goals can be developed in several ways:

  • By the board and the superintendent, possibly with the inclusion of other key administrators
  • With the involvement of staff members and/or parents
  • By the administration for the board’s consideration and adoption

No matter how district goals are developed, it is important that your board is fully committed to them. Equally important: Goals should be revisited annually to make sure they consistently represent the priorities of the district.

How TASB Can Assist

TASB Board Development Services consultants can help your board and superintendent:

  • Identify critical issues
  • Set comprehensive goals for the district
  • Determine priorities for the coming year
  • Review progress toward existing goals
  • Facilitate discussion about new or emerging needs to incorporate into the goals
  • Review the district’s vision

You can expand the planning team to include staff and community representatives if desired. A detailed analysis of factors affecting the district and students may also be included.

Superintendent Performance Goals

One of the ways a board can monitor the progress toward district goals is by focusing the superintendent evaluation process on the advancement of district goals.

A successful superintendent evaluation process begins with your board-superintendent team setting clear expectations, performance standards, and timelines.

We can help you use district goals and team priority concerns to develop the following:

  • Superintendent performance goals for the coming year
  • Measures of success
  • Appropriate timelines for evaluating progress

For more information and to book a TASB consultant, please contact us at 512-505-2453 or board.dev@tasb.org.