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Continuing Education Credit Reporting Service (CECRS)

TASB CECRS makes it easy for recordkeepers to update and access board member credit reports.

The list of continuing education requirements for school board members seems to get longer and more complicated with each legislative session. TASB’s recordkeeping tools make it easy for superintendents and support staff to maintain records of trustees’ annual training requirements. With TASB’s Continuing Education Credit Reporting Service (CECRS), superintendents or support staff can view and print credit reports for their board members. The service may also be used to update credit reports with training hours received at non-TASB sponsored events.  

The reports you can generate from CECRS provide valuable support for the required annual announcement on continuing education for board members. See this resource from TASB Legal Services for more information about the annual announcement. 

Superintendents and administrator professionals can log into their dashboard to access CECRS and use the Credit Entry ─ Non-TASB Training option to add credit hours earned from non-TASB entities. 

District Recordkeeping 

The district is the official recordkeeper of board member continuing education credit information. In most districts, the superintendent or the superintendent’s administrative assistant performs this task. CECRS is designed to assist a district with its recordkeeping efforts but should not serve as the district’s official record.  

The following tips may be useful:  

  • Board members should give the district’s recordkeeper copies of any documentation they receive when attending training sessions. 
  • A recordkeeper should review documentation to be sure it is complete and accurate (check dates, times, session titles, provider numbers, etc.). 
  • Use the online help resources for guidance or assistance in solving technical problems.  


Board members must be compliant with the State Board of Education’s (SBOE) continuing education training requirements. View the Current Trustee Training Requirements resource.


Training requirements for school board members continuing education are described primarily in a rule adopted by the State Board of Education (pdf). 

Membership Information

TASB Active Membership

Active Members consist of the boards of Texas public school districts and education service centers. They have voting privileges in the Association and may participate in all of TASB's services.