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Customized Team of Eight Training

Build a strong superintendent-board relationship that leads to student academic achievement.

Good governance starts with a strong board-superintendent team that is focused on excellent student outcomes. Let the experts at TASB help your team of eight improve its practices and behaviors through in-district consulting customized to your team’s specific needs. 

Some districts may want team of eight training that fulfills the annual state requirement for three hours of team building. Others may want to earn those continuing education credit hours while also achieving other goals, including: 

  • Visioning 
  • Strategic planning 
  • Self-assessment 
  • Board operating procedures 
  • Effective goal monitoring  

Whatever the desired outcome, TASB’s dedicated facilitators can assist your team in achieving its objectives through interactive, relevant, and TEA-approved training. 

Membership Information

Board Development Services board consultants work with all boards that have a TASB Active membership.