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Spring Workshop 2025: Huntsville, Region 6

Huntsville, Texas ESC Region 6
Spring Workshops event logo with padding around the edges 900x450


ESC Region 6
3332 Montgomery Rd.
Huntsville, TX 77340


$60, includes dinner 


1:30 p.m.                  

2-3 p.m.                    
Opening General Session
Open Meetings: Common Meeting Mistakes

3-4 p.m.                    
Second General Session
Cybersecurity Priorities: Why, How, and When?

4-4:15 p.m.              

4:15-5:15 p.m.         
Third General Session
To Bond or Not to Bond: That is the Question!

5:15-6 p.m.              

6-7 p.m.                    
Closing General Session
Special Education Staff: Why Do We Need So Many?

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Continuing Education Credit
This event counts for continuing education credit. Contact us for any questions regarding the continuing education credit information for this specific training or event.

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