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Rebranding Your EAP

Female teacher in a classroom

Employers who rebrand their employee assistant program (EAP) by incorporating it into their existing wellness program are seeing increased employee participation.

Supporting stressed employees and their family members with mental health counseling, financial advice, substance abuse programs, family care, and other supports continues to be important with the pandemic taking a toll on their well-being. Offering EAPs in the traditional manner has not been historically successful as it has been a challenge to get employees to use the services when needed.

Rebranding and integrating EAP services with wellness initiatives has several advantages. It makes it more convenient for employees to access services since they are not a separate stand-alone program. Connecting with wellness programs seems to reduce the stigma employees may feel when using the services. Employees utilize them more often, become more comfortable talking about the services, and advocate to others about the benefits.

Additionally, employers can make EAP services more accessible by providing:

  • Live-online chat sessions with counselors
  • Counseling apps
  • Wellness website
  • Newsletters, e-blasts, and webinars including the EAP services

For more information on EAPs, check out Getting the Most Out of Your EAP and EAPs Could Reduce Employee Burnout. Additional information about rebranding EAPs can be found in the EdWeek article To Support Stressed Staff Members, Districts Are Turning to an Overlooked Resource.

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Cheryl Hoover
Cheryl Hoover

Cheryl Hoover joined HR Services in 2018. She assists with staffing and HR reviews, training, and other HR projects. During Hoover’s public school career, she served as an executive director of curriculum and principal leadership, executive director of human resources, principal, assistant principal, teacher, and coach.

Hoover earned her bachelor’s degree from The University of Texas at Austin and obtained her master’s degree from Texas State University. She is a certified PHR.

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